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上海精神医学 2015年第02期杂志 文档列表

上海精神医学杂志Special article
Unravelling psychosis: psychosocial epidemiology, mechanism, and meaning第70-81页
关键词: 流行病学调查;  心理过程;  精神病;  社会因素;  机制;  治疗试验;  认知行为;  数据分析;  
The transdiagnostic dimension of psychosis: implications for psychiatric nosology and research第82-86页
关键词: 精神病;  分类学;  尺寸;  疾病;  精神分裂症;  临床实践;  情感因素;  精神障碍;  
Finding a solution to psvchosis: the emergence of a new path第87-89页
关键词: 路径;  社会心理;  精神障碍;  精神病;  精神分裂症;  分类系统;  流行病学;  二分法;  
Prenatal choline and the development of schizophrenia第90-102页
关键词: 精神分裂症;  胆碱能;  产前;  膳食补充剂;  medline;  胎儿发育;  大脑发育;  病理生理学;  
How to write and revise English articles about psychiatry第102-102页
关键词: 精神病;  英文;  修改;  撰写;  sharp;  数据库;  编辑;  杂志;  
上海精神医学杂志Original research articles
Efficacy and safety of the Chinese herbal medicine shuganjieyu with and without adjunctive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for geriatric depression: a randomized controlled trial第103-110页
关键词: 经颅磁刺激;  药物治疗;  rtms;  抑郁症;  安全性;  随机对照试验;  中草药;  老年;  
The 12th annual Basic and Clinical Psychiatry Conference of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience and Psychiatry (CSNP): call for submissions第110-110页
关键词: 神经科学;  精神病;  中国;  临床;  基础;  社会;  太原市;  山西省;  
Gene-based and pathway-based genome-wide association study of alcohol dependence第111-118页
关键词: 全基因组;  酒精;  基础;  关联;  神经生物学;  细胞外基质;  信号通路;  相互作用;  
上海精神医学杂志Forum:New diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease
Are the revised diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease useful in low- and middle-income countries?第119-123页
关键词: 阿尔茨海默氏病;  标准;  诊断;  收入;  修订;  生物标志物;  高科技设备;  阿尔茨海默病;  
Clinical and research value of the new diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease第124-125页
关键词: 阿尔茨海默氏病;  临床实践;  诊断;  标准;  生物标志物;  价值;  生物标记物;  干预措施;  
上海精神医学杂志Case report
Case report of visual hallucinations in anxiety第126-129页
关键词: 病例报告;  焦虑;  精神障碍;  氯硝西泮;  普萘洛尔;  发病机制;  精神病;  幻觉;  
Symposium on the early detection and intervention of Alzheimer's disease: national continuing education program第129-129页
关键词: 阿尔茨海默氏病;  继续教育;  早期检测;  浙江大学;  科学研究院;  科学研究所;  医学院;  博士;  
上海精神医学杂志Biostatisticsi n psychiatry(26)
Decision tree methods: applications for classification and prediction第130-135页
关键词: 决策树方法;  预测算法;  分类系统;  决策树模型;  应用;  quest;  sas程序;  数据集;