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上海精神医学 2015年第05期杂志 文档列表

上海精神医学杂志Systematic review and meta-analysis
Meta-analysis of the relationship of peripheral retinal nerve fiber layer thickness to Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment第263-279页
关键词: 认知功能障碍;  视网膜;  视神经;  阿尔茨海默病;  纤维层;  厚度;  阿尔茨海默氏病;  medline;  
上海精神医学杂志Original research articles
Adjunctive treatment with high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the behavioral and psychological symptoms of patients with Alzheimer's disease: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study第280-288页
关键词: 阿尔茨海默病;  药物治疗;  人的行为;  经颅磁刺激;  症状;  患者;  高频;  心理;  
8^th National Anxiety Conference: registration and call for submissions第288-288页
关键词: 焦虑症;  精神疾病;  注册;  流行病学调查;  研究人员;  调查报告;  可信区间;  中国;  
Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments on the cognitive functioning of elderly persons with mild cognitive impairment associated with white matter lesions第289-295页
关键词: 认知功能障碍;  中医药疗法;  老年人;  患者;  老年痴呆症;  中医治疗;  疗效;  认知障碍;  
Assessment of a six-week computer-based remediation program for social cognition in chronic schizophrenia第296-306页
关键词: 精神分裂症;  社会功能;  计算机辅助;  治疗方案;  患者;  慢性;  认知功能障碍;  面部识别;  
Heredity in comorbid bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder patients第307-310页
关键词: 患者;  遗传;  双相;  medline;  需求侧管理;  情感障碍;  临床意义;  分类学;  
上海精神医学杂志Case Repots
Infanticide by a mother with untreated schizophrenia第311-314页
关键词: 精神分裂症;  药物治疗;  精神病患者;  亲杀;  家庭成员;  农村社区;  社会功能;  精神疾病;  
Sudden cardiac death after modified electroconvulsive therapy第315-318页
关键词: 心脏病;  治疗;  休克;  猝死;  抽搐;  同时使用;  精神病;  哌啶醇;  
上海精神医学杂志Biostatistics in psychiatry(29)
The effect of simple imputation on inferences about population means when data are missing in biomedical research due to detection limits第319-325页
关键词: 生物医学;  检测限;  数据丢失;  归责;  几何平均值;  原因;  推论;  测量仪器;  
Persistent mental symptoms and rabies第326-327页
关键词: 狂犬病;  持续性;  症状;  精神;